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Thursday, September 29, 2011

TV Land

So, I have yet to see a really good show this Fall, but I am looking forward to Dexter coming back! I stumbled upon this website today, it has some great trailers for shows. Check out Awake for an awesome trailer. The show is about a man who survives a car accident and has 2 realities, one where his son also survived, and one where his wife did. If the show can live up to the trailer, it'll be a winner. The New Girl looks promising, mostly because I am a Zooey Deschanel fan. Once Upon a Time looks cute too for a little family Sunday show.

Not like I have endless time for TV right now, but I deserve some mindless entertainment, right?

Friday, September 23, 2011

End of Season

What's better on a rainy day than making some fresh sauce from the last of this season's tomatoes? Nothing I can think of and it's super easy. Just cut up the tomatoes you have, lay them in a baking sheet with sides, sprinkle with salt and pepper and some olive oil. Last, roughly chop 2 large garlic cloves and disperse among the tomatoes. Stick in a 400 degree oven for 45 min or until the tomatoes start to carmelize. Then, put it all in a blender and there you have fresh tomato sauce. Seriously, nothing is easier.

Tonight, we'll have it with low cal eggplant parm (also from the csa), recipe is on my pinterest board. Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Under the Weather

So, I get my first day in months to stay home and just veg, too bad it feels like my throat is being ripped out. I hate being sick, and I hate being sick 10 times more having a baby. Granted, I am lucky and got to send her to daycare today but I still had to get out of bed, wake her up, change her and pump milk for today. Prior to having another human to take care of, I would have stayed in bed until 10.

Every inch of my being wants to go get her from daycare right now and snuggle with her but I am going to go make myself a cup of tea instead. Because A. I really need rest (ie catching up on documentaries on HBO) and B. I don't want to get her sick (really, I don't, that would be terrible and result in even less sleep for me).

Maybe I will go make some bread too.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Time is flying by

Sometimes life feels like it's passing me by. I hate Mondays and Thursdays now because I get up at the crack of dawn to get ready for work and I don't get home until after 10 from class. That means a whole day without seeing Anneliese for more than 30 minutes. Sometimes I really wonder what I am doing trying to finish my Master's but I am more than 1/2 way through so I have to finish.

I think working moms definitely have a big set of challenges aside from the obvious juggling act that goes on. Having little time with my daughter during the week since she sleeps 12 hours a night, I often want to snatch her out of her crib at 10pm and snuggle with her which I know is a bad idea. My weekends are sacred, I like to spend as much time with my family as possible so if if you want me to come somewhere I can't bring a baby, you probably won't see me more than once in a while. I do try to do adult things as much as possible, but school is making me very clingy. And, if you are a family member, taking my daughter when we see you on the weekend may seem like you are giving me a break, but I really, really miss her. While I don't mind you feeding her, holding her; hell, change her diaper, sure! But, give her back to me before I have to ask.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Fall! Well, kind of..

It feels like fall as I am sitting on the couch in my hoodie listening to bacon sizzle on the griddle, watching the drops of rain hit the window. The air is crisp. While I am sure that we'll have a few more hot days, it's pretty much Fall in my world. I go back to grad school tomorrow, and days will become shorter. I grabbed my first Pumpkin Spice Latte yesterday- that was kind of the clincher- before I know it, it's going to be Christmas, really??

Fall is probably my favorite season, Spring being a close second. I am totally over the heat, I just want to put on my long sleeves and corduroys. Now that I have a little peanut to dress, it's 2 times better. We're going to do her 9 month pictures at the local orchard so that will be fun; there's nothing like pumpkins, apple cider and apple cider doughnuts to put you in the mood. Then there's the Big E. If you don't live in the Northeast, the Big E is our version of the state fair. Lots and lots and lots of fried food and every state has a "specialty". For instance, Maine has baked potatoes and Rhode Island has clam strips. There are also all sorts of animal exhibitions which I think will be fun for Anneliese to see.

Lots to look forward to in the upcoming weeks, excited to share it all with my family.