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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Fall! Well, kind of..

It feels like fall as I am sitting on the couch in my hoodie listening to bacon sizzle on the griddle, watching the drops of rain hit the window. The air is crisp. While I am sure that we'll have a few more hot days, it's pretty much Fall in my world. I go back to grad school tomorrow, and days will become shorter. I grabbed my first Pumpkin Spice Latte yesterday- that was kind of the clincher- before I know it, it's going to be Christmas, really??

Fall is probably my favorite season, Spring being a close second. I am totally over the heat, I just want to put on my long sleeves and corduroys. Now that I have a little peanut to dress, it's 2 times better. We're going to do her 9 month pictures at the local orchard so that will be fun; there's nothing like pumpkins, apple cider and apple cider doughnuts to put you in the mood. Then there's the Big E. If you don't live in the Northeast, the Big E is our version of the state fair. Lots and lots and lots of fried food and every state has a "specialty". For instance, Maine has baked potatoes and Rhode Island has clam strips. There are also all sorts of animal exhibitions which I think will be fun for Anneliese to see.

Lots to look forward to in the upcoming weeks, excited to share it all with my family.

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